Glasgow University 5 mile Road Race Oct 2024

A cracking turnout of harriers for the Glasgow Uni 5 miler

So I ran the University of Glasgow (UoG) 5 Mile Road Race. 23 Harriers running on a very wet Saturday in October. What a turn out, especially as many of the club members are running and training for other events too. Great effort!

Special congratulations to Sam and Lynsey because they were the first male and female Harriers over the finish line. Superb! Following several team photos in which I am at the end (symbolic?), the race started.

I think it is called a race because there is a lot of competition, although not from me. The only threat I posed was trying to queue twice for the post-race cakes. Two laps, I could easily do again!

I was really nervous and I am not sure why – after all, I was not going to win it. I guess I did not want to let anyone down. 

The race was organised by the U of G Hares and Hounds running club and a big thank you to them.

This was my first official race/run as a Maryhill Harrier and I had the T-shirt to prove it, although I probably need ‘go faster’ stripes on it.
The race started at the UoG Vet School, beside the horse enclosure. Neigh jokes!

Despite the inclement weather or to quote one Harrier, it was like ‘a different eco system’ the race started on time and amazingly, the weather cleared and we had some sunshine and a pleasant temperature for one hour.

The race starts on a hill, I know, join a running club, not a hill walking club.  I hate hill starts; I frown upon them, unlike the other Harriers, who seem to thrive on hill starts and see them as part of their five-a-day!

However, some Tuesday training sessions on that same hill paid dividends. After the hill, the slippery cattle grid and vowing to train more, it was downhill and then flat for some time. Time to catch my breath. Who knew running downhill was a chance to rest!

The course takes a turn and we run along by the canal towards Dawsholm. There is a pub to the right and a constant threat that my new t-shirt will be splashed and soaked by speeding van drivers, roller coasting through the giant puddles left by the earlier downpour. However, credit to all the drivers, they slowed down!

Onwards onto a gentle, but deceiving incline and then downhill and briefly into Dawsholm Park. Then uphill on a short, but (really) steep incline (hill) towards Maryhill Road. Lots of internal dialogue here.

My wife Linda and our dog Porter were there to encourage me and I am grateful for the support and glad they never saw me puffing later.

At last, on the flat Maryhill Road heading towards the Garscube Complex and Vet School entrance with Harriers and some Hares in my line of sight. A welcome descent towards the pending and floury finish line. I say pending, because yes, we had to do it twice.
Brilliant race, great course and I really enjoyed my first official Maryhill Harrier outing!

Well done to all the runners, organisers and support.

Maryhill Results:

19th Sam Allwood 28.42

30th Kevin Campbell 30.23 

43rd Craig Perrie 31.45   

53rd Scott Coulter 32.37 

66th Ross Trearty 33.43 

82nd James Prior 35.07  

87th Derek Muirhead 35.47  

91st Stephen Tomasso 36.54 

99th Lynsey McLaughlin 37.53  

109th Cat Nisbet 38.48  

113th Claire Glancy 39.17 

117th Andrew Stevenson 39.50  

124th Heather Stevenson 40.52

130th Andrew Cummings 41.24 

134th Gwen Keenan 41.49  

140th Kenny Henderson 42.41  

147th Chris Hever 43.32 

156th Linda Sinclair 45.41  

157th Linsey Willis 45.45

157th Margaret Peebles 45.45  

161st Sorcha Hill 46.13  

162nd Stephen Watson 46.28 

175th Stephen Dunn 53.09  

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