Club Constitution

Club Name

1) The Club shall be called “The Maryhill Harriers” with the aim of promoting all forms of running and athletics in the local community.

1.1) The Club shall be affiliated to Scottish Athletics and be subject to their Rules, Procedures and Laws.


2) The club shall consist of male, female and non-binary athletes.

3) Application for membership, along with the appropriate subscription, shall be made using a club membership application form and forwarded to the Club Secretary to be considered by the Committee. This shall be returned if membership is refused.

4) Subscription must be paid for the current season before a member can compete for the club.

5) To resign a member must inform the Club Secretary in writing. Resignations will be considered at the next Committee meeting; all due fees must be paid up to date. Members whose subscriptions are more than one year in arrears will be transferred to the ‘inactive members list’. Such members shall not eligible to attend or vote at meetings, compete for the club or receive any awards.

6) Any member deemed guilty of misconduct i.e. (behaviour contrary to the Club constitution or the standard set by Scottish Athletics & UK athletics) may be cautioned or expelled from the Club by majority decision of the Committee; any person expelled will have the right to appeal to the Committee within twenty-eight days. The Committee are subject to the same disciplinary measures as ordinary members.

Discrimination and Harassment

7) There will be no unfair discrimination on the grounds of gender, marital status, race or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, age, or religious belief.

7 i) Members have the right to train in an environment free from humiliation, or behaviour that creates feelings of unease or distress such as sexist, racist or sectarian language, unwelcome remarks or touching, physical violence or the threat of physical violence.

7 ii) No form of harassment or bullying will be condoned. Any member who commits a serious violation of this policy will be asked to resign from the club, although we accept that sometimes harassment can happen unintentionally, and this will be dealt with appropriately.

7 iii) Every member has the right to complain to the Committee about breaches of the above policy. Complaints will be dealt with seriously, confidentially and in a sensitive manner.

Definition: Discrimination comprises a wide range of unacceptable physical, verbal or non-verbal behaviour that affects other people’s dignity. Behaviour is unacceptable if it is unwanted, unreasonable and causes offence to the recipient or if it creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating environment.

Club Colours

8) The uniform of the Club shall be a Royal Blue vest or T-shirt with club badge (deer) over left breast; there is also the option of Club name in white letters on the back. Other forms of club attire such as a hoody adhere to these same colours. Traditionally white shorts were required but this is no longer the case. Club attire can be purchased by contacting the Club Secretary. Club colours must be worn when representing the Club in races.

Annual Subscription

9) The annual subscription will be fixed at the AGM and due on 1st October. A graduated fee is available to new members joining at different points in the year. Fees can be changed at the Annual General Meeting by a majority vote.


10) The Management Committee shall consist of:

  • President • Vice President/Head Coach • Secretary • Treasurer • Social Convenor • Club Captain/Assistant Coach
  • Welfare Officer
  • Social Media Officer(s) • Ordinary Member(s)

11) The Committee shall typically meet twice yearly (in addition to the annual AGM).

12) All decisions will be by a majority vote: the President shall have the casting vote in event of a tie.

13) A quorum for a Committee meeting shall be fifty per cent plus one.

14) The Committee shall make no decision contrary to the AGM. No single Committee member can overturn a Committee decision.

15) The Club Secretary is authorised to call an additional meeting with the agreement of the President or Vice President.

16) The AGM will be held in early September or as arranged and the following business undertaken:

  • The President’s report • The Secretary’s report • The Treasurer’s report • Election of Office Bearers

Following which, any other business will be discussed.

17) Motions (any changes to the Constitution etc) must be put in writing to the Club Secretary two weeks before the meeting. Only fully paid-up members and life members will be eligible to raise motions and to vote.

Training – Liability

18) At all training sessions the person in charge must have his or her instructions adhered to. Failure to do so may lead to the person being reported to the Committee and dealt with as misconduct.


19) The Management Committee, by a two-thirds majority, may decide to dissolve the Club. They must then call an extra-ordinary meeting, giving four weeks’ notice to all Club Members. If the motion is passed by a two-thirds majority, then club is dissolved. Upon dissolution any funds remaining after all debts have been met will be donated to a named charity, an athletics club or to Scottish Athletics; that decision to be taken by a majority vote.


20) Maryhill Harriers’ liability for any losses arising out of any negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of The Maryhill Harriers shall be limited to Maryhill Harriers subscriptions for this financial year.


This Constitution will be regularly reviewed and updated in accordance with changes in legislation and guidance from Scottish Athletics.