Always a firm favourite of many a Maryhill Harrier, the 2024 edition of the Bannerman race took place on a very (very) wet Thursday May evening. How does the old saying go? “Ne’er cast a cloot till May is oot!”
Craig, Chris and I headed across to Dawsholm Park early to mark out the course in flour and to tackle some of the overhanging branches. Craig had a bit more success with the cutters than Chris and I did with the flour; firstly, the bag disintegrating in Chris’ hands, and then all but most of the flour having been washed away by the time the race kicked off anyway. Talk about a fool’s errand.
The rest of the Harriers started to gather and huddle under trees from about 7pm and by the time we started there was 16 of us, including Amy’s dad, ‘Young’ Dave, as a guest runner. Conspicuous by his absence was Sam, everyone else had a chance then!
Caroline set us off, and downhill we went with Craig, Scott and Andrew S setting the early pace. I settled into the second group with Josh (running his first club race and looking great in MH Blue) and Amy. The front trio pulled away early and I was also conscious of Ross just on my shoulder as well as Josh and Amy in front of me (having passed me on the first climb and stairs respectively). I managed to pull away from Ross and keep pace with the other two. Sensing a chance to pass them I sprinted on the downhill toward the gate and managed to get by them both.
Moving onto the grass section I heard someone just behind me and about to pass. “Hi Del” exclaims Sam as he sprints past, he made it after all. Scott later said he had heard whispers that Sam had begun late and like Beetlejuice or the Candyman, the very whisper of his name seemed to will him into existence.
As we started the second lap I manged to keep my place but tired on those dastardly stairs, first being passed by Josh and then Amy (who had the additional stress of having to re-tie a shoelace). I tried in vain to do the same as the 1st lap and catch-up on the downhill. It only partly worked and I spent the last portion of the race desperately trying to catch Amy on the grass. She just had too much for me. I finished in 7th with Josh in 5th and Amy, 6th.
Up ahead Sam had made up for being late by passing Andrew and Scott (twice, thanks to a wrong turn) but couldn’t catch the king of the trails, Craig, as he romped home to a 4th straight Bannerman victory! Well done Craig! And well done to Amy as our female champion.
Just behind me, Natalie was next to cross the line and take 2nd female and 29 precious merit league points. There were some fascinating battles elsewhere on the course especially on the grass towards the finish line. James and Claire were the next of these groups to finish with Claire making a phenomenal effort to try to pip James approaching the line causing him to have to put on the after-burners to make sure he finished 9th.
Heather, benefitting from her recent Helsinki marathon effort, ran excellently and finished in 10th ahead of Ross in his first Harriers race in a long time. A great battle was also developing between Alasdair, Cat and Kenny with Alasdair using his experience of this race to finish ahead of his younger compatriots.
The highlight of the night was still to come however with an absolute sprint towards the finish line between Chris and David. It almost needed a photo finish but it was agreed that ‘Young’ Dave had just pipped Chris at the line.
Thanks to Chris and Craig for setting up the course (thanking myself seems far too self-serving), Caroline for the timing, and Stephen Tomasso and his kids for the cheer squad. Can’t wait for next year! Even if it rains again. Final positions below (no times due to rain playing havoc with timings on phone screen).
Craig – Men’s Champion
Andrew S
Amy – Women’s Champion
Young Dave